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Writer's pictureR.M. Couse

Parenting Trends vs. Science: Navigating What Works Best For Your Family

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Navigating What Works Best For Your Family
Parenting Trends vs. Science

Parenting today feels like a rollercoaster ride through a maze of trends, tips, and advice. Parenthood is hard enough without the added pressure of trying to keep up with all the latest trends. In this blog post, I will discuss the problem with trends and how to rely on science to navigate what works best for your family.

The Problem with Trends

Parenting trends are like fashion fads—they come and go. They often gain traction through media buzz, social influence, or celebrity endorsements. 

Parenting trends often stem from some scientific basis or observations but tend to present a more rigid "one-size-fits-all" approach. They often advocate for a specific way of doing things, which can inadvertently lead to parents feeling judged or inadequate if those methods don't work for their families. The emphasis on a singular "right" way can create unrealistic standards, leaving many parents feeling overwhelmed or unsuccessful if they can't adhere to these methods.

Science and Parenting

Science can play a significant role in shaping parenting practices by providing evidence-based information on child development, behavior, and effective parenting strategies. Parents can use the available scientific knowledge to impact their parenting practices in a manner that works for their family while knowing they are doing the best for their child with the information that is currently available. 

I am a huge supporter of evidence-based information and strategies to lead parenting practices. However, I acknowledge that using science as the foundation for your parenting practices comes with some challenges. While you can’t help being bombarded with the trends, you may need to search for the science. Research information and studies are becoming more readily available and easier to find but are still going to take some effort. Also, science changes based on new research studies so it’s important to stay current.  I have included some reputable, well-regarded organizations and websites in Canada and the United States that provide reliable information on parenting and child development. 

Always be cautious with information found online and ensure that the sources are reputable, evidence-based, and preferably reviewed by experts in the field. Additionally, consulting with healthcare professionals and pediatricians is a good practice for personalized advice based on your child's specific needs and circumstances.

A Trend Based on Science

An example of a trend with a solid basis in science is Tummy Time. Both the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) and the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) concur that tummy time for babies when they are awake is beneficial for overall physical development and can help prevent a flat spot on the back of their head. The CPS recommends 10 - 15 minutes three times per day. 

In my opinion, what made Tummy Time a trend is the marketing. There are toys, programs and courses dedicated to Tummy Time. Programs are marketed as the only correct way for Tummy Time. The toys are marketed as must haves. 

Based on the research, the programs and special toys are not necessary. If they are helpful to you, then use them. If your baby doesn't like being on their tummy, there is nothing wrong with your child or your parenting. You can gradually build up to the recommended times or find other positions that allow your child to move and lift their head. 

A Trend Not Based on Science

Toilet training trends such as elimination communication (google it if you haven’t heard of it) or toilet training for very young children are not based on science. I did check but was not surprised that I couldn’t find any supporting research. 

The CPS does provide some evidence based recommendations for toilet learning if you are interested. 

Parenting Trends vs. Science - Navigating the Terrain

So, with the bombardment of trends and evidence based tips and advice how do you discern? Here are a few tips:

1. Scrutinize the Source

Check the credibility of the information. Is it backed by reputable studies, experts, or institutions? Ask questions about the source of the information.

2. Consider Context

Not all trends are entirely baseless, but context matters. Some practices might work wonders for one family but could be impractical or ineffective for another. Personalize your approach based on your child’s needs, your family dynamics, and your values.

3. Stay Informed and Open-Minded

Parenting is a dynamic journey. Stay updated on new research while being open to diverse perspectives. What works today might evolve tomorrow, and being flexible allows you to adapt and grow alongside your child.


The key is balance when it comes to parenting trends vs. science. Parenting trends may provide insights, but evidence-based approaches offer a more nuanced view. Evidence-based parenting isn't about rigid rules; it's about understanding the reasons behind certain practices and adapting them to suit your family.

In the whirlwind of parenting advice, it's okay to embrace what resonates while staying open to flexibility. Trust your instincts, seek reliable sources backed by research, and remember that parenting isn't about perfection—it's about navigating the journey with love and adaptability.

Because in the end, the best parenting approach is the one that works best for your family.

~Rose Couse~


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