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Child & Parent Resilience

The Elephant in the Room: Why We Need to Talk About Children's Grief
Grief doesn’t go away when it’s ignored—it just grows more confusing and overwhelming.

Talking to Children About Death: Guidelines for Honest Conversations
Encourage your child to express their feelings through talking, drawing, or even playing.

How Children Grieve: Understanding Their Unique Journey
When a child experiences grief, it can look very different from how adults navigate loss.

Holiday Resilience
Awareness and planning can go a long way in navigating the holidays with young children, creating fun and memorable experiences for everyone

Intention – What’s Your Plan?
With intention you can influence what pathways are strengthened in your child's brain, nurturing resilience and well-being.

Identity – Getting to Really Know Your Child
Getting to really know your child's developmental level, temperament and interests is important to support their development of identity.

The Gift of Resilience
Parents can nurture the gift of resilience with knowledge of brain development, repeated experience and secure attachment.

Helping Children Cope with Separation
For children, crying, clinging and meltdowns can be normal expressions of feelings associated with being apart from a loved one.

Social-Emotional Readiness: Setting the Stage for a Successful Start to School
Setting the stage for a successful school start with social-emotional readiness. Strategies to nurture emotion awareness with young children

Dealing with Childhood Anxiety - Part 2
A Guide for Parents and Caregivers Anxiety happens when a part of the limbic system or emotion brain, the amygdala, senses trouble. When...

Dealing with Childhood Anxiety - Part 1
A Guide for Parents and Caregivers Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Anxiety is our body’s normal reaction to perceived...

Go From Power Struggles to Co-operation with Young Children
Strategies to encourage co-operation and avoid power struggles with young children

Power Struggles - There Are No Winners Power struggles occur when a child is determined to have their way and the parent insists on...

Motivation and the Slippery Slope of Praise
Good job! That makes me so happy! You are so smart! I love your picture! All of that positive praise must be good … right? What if I told...

How To Nurture Intrinsic Motivation
How To Nurture Intrinsic Motivation In the previous blog post I explained the difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic...

Temperament is your child’s unique approach to the world, their natural tendencies. Differences in temperament influence the way children...

Feelings - A Window To Your Child's Thoughts and Perspective
Feelings are a window into the inner thoughts and perspective of the child. When an adult attunes to the feelings of a child, that child...

Connection is the Key
The experience of secure attachment is essential to a child's development, well-being and resilience. Connection is the key!
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